Five Things To Do Before You List Your Home
Talk to a REALTOR®

REALTORS® are professionals, and local experts. We have all the data and statistics to help you sell your home on time for the right price. We also have access to the MLS® System, the most powerful marketing tool for selling your home. As your REALTOR®, I will help guide you through the whole process. From setting a price, to managing showings and closing the sale.
Prepare Your Paperwork
REALTORS® and potential buyers are going to have a lot of questions. Dig out your tax bills, utility bills, warranties on appliances, and any other documents. That way you have them on hand should you need them.
Repair and Replace
It’s time to finish all of those small jobs that you’ve been putting off for so long! Take care of things that make your home look fresh and inviting like replacing lightbulbs, old electrical receptacles, touching up paint, cleaning windows, and tidying up outdoor spaces.
Clean It Up

Take some time to go through your house and declutter as much as humanly possible. Everything will need to be cleaned top-to-bottom before viewings, so get a head-start by getting rid of unneeded items, touching up paint, and scrubbing kitchens and bathrooms.
Increase Your Curb Appeal
The first thing potential buyers will notice is your driveway, front yard and the entrance to your home. Make it as inviting as possible by mowing the grass, cleaning up garden beds, touching up paint, and adding colour with planters or a hanging fern.